About Us

Cirrus Parfum was born after years of exploring the world of fragrance left me feeling like there had to be more. I loved the idea of perfume, but found myself challenged by its realities. The widely available options often seemed too loud or soulless to me. After discovering some smaller houses and independent perfumers I saw that indeed there was more, but I still wasn’t finding exactly what I wanted.

To me, fragrance is self care and luxury. Fragrance is storytelling. Fragrance is a way to reconnect to the parts of your mind that are buried underneath all of the wants and worries of today. Fragrance is wearable art that has the ability to tap into your memory and emotions with greater ease than almost any other medium.

After a long and indirect path I found myself knee deep in pipettes, learning perfumery through both traditional and highly non-traditional means. Finally, in early 2024 I took the final step and launched my webstore so that I could share my perfumes with others. I’ve never loved anything more. Today I feel extremely privileged to be able to do this work - bringing accessible, elegant perfumes to our customers in the United States and hopefully beyond very soon.

Cirrus Parfum took our name from the cirrus clouds to represent the high flying, transparent nature that we hope to embody in our fragrances. These clouds, while thin and delicate on their own, amplify the light around them - becoming stark white in the noon daylight, and hot pink at sunset. We hope that our fragrances can do the same for their wearers - amplifying your unique aesthetics and personality.

Love and light,

Zoey Lake
Independent Perfumer (the big nose)
Cirrus Parfum